The YouTube Time Warp

30 08 2008

After being sent a link to a video on YouTube by my Chromatically Challenged Father, which was the song “Toast” by Streetband from the 1970s, and then being guided through other songs by him, I essentially went through the YouTube Time Warp of songs. Starting with “Toast” in the early 70s, we progressed to the late 1970s with Jilted John, then went on to Plastic Bertrand with “Ca Plane Pour Moi” in 1978. Afterwards we jumped ahead to 2008 with the Ting Tings and “Shut Up and Let Me Go”. Finally, we got a taste of the 1980s with “Mickey” by Toni Basil. What a day!

In the evening, we watched Batman Forever (the one with Harvey Two-Face and the Riddler). That was good, especially as I hadn’t seen it before.

Links to the Youtube videos: